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Abundance Frequency

Abundance Frequency

If you have heard of the Abundance Frequency— it’s the energy of infinite resources, tools, love, support and abundance that is always alive and available to you at all times.

By being aware of it, or by doing things to activate the awareness and energy of the abundance frequency, we call, attract, and allow abundance into our lives everyday.

In the Activation Academy this past month— the theme was “Abundance” and we spoke of many ways to activate and awaken the abundance frequency on a daily basis.

Here are some of the simple yet POWERFUL ways we have been manifesting straight miracles together!!

As you go about your day, you can activate and align to the abundance frequency by simply acknowledging and affirming it. It doesn’t take long and doesn’t need to be extensive. It’s simply about the awareness and the repetition— so that you familiarize yourself with the energy, essence, thought patterns and realms of abundance on a deep subconscious level.

-Whenever you spend a dollar (grocery store, bills, clothes, anything) repeat to yourself either in your head/heart or out loud “every dollar I spend I make back times 10”.

-Print your bank statement and use a pen to add digits to the total, and meditate with the vision of it next to your name on your bank account. Maybe put it somewhere to see consistently for a while.

-Plant a seed or crystal with the intention for your abundance, blessings, and miracles to grow and amplify to benefit and nourish you and all.

-A taste of cinnamon on your tongue daily repeating a simple yet powerful affirmation like “I am rich” “I am wealthy” “I am healthy” “I am happy”.

-Planting cinnamon in the earth with an affirmation, sprinkling it in your wallet, and/or carrying around cinnamon sticks— knowing it is encoded with abundance. It will multiply all your money.

-If ever wanting to FEEL the abundance frequency, go outside into nature and receive the abundance frequency by seeing how much abundance IS in nature, always! Being with nature, is abundance.

If you want to join us and the topics and information we share and speak of in the Activation Academy— you can do so HERE:

By doing so you get instant access to the past months themes, teachings, meditations and conversations as well, so you’ll never be left out. Plus access to the current new themes and teachings!

May you manifest as you divinely deserve, and know that money is simply a resource of the abundance frequency in which good-will beings deserve! By claiming and allowing our own abundance, we are shifting the current state of the controlled collective to greater balance and harmony! And so it is!

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