it is actually you

it is actually you

You are your own guide, your own guru
Meaning you are the one who is leading yourself through your own ascension
Source/god/creator is present and embodied within every angle of the dynamic and relationship—
Yet in tangible presence, it is you who is navigating and facilitating your expansion of consciousness
Walking yourself h(om)e

Choose to accept this responsibility as an honor and a gifted opportunity to embody your fullest potential
Claim your power.

Remember to:

Purify your body
Cleanse your space
Honor your heart
Integrate your ego
Follow your passion
Feed your soul
Embody your truth
Avoid distraction
Dissolve disturbance or disruption
Be discerning
Choose what stays in your field
Stay sovereign
Focus on what resonates
Forgive and move on
Express authentically
Laugh hysterically
Create & receive abundantly
Enjoy the experience
Alchemize it all, into light

And So It Is
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