I haven’t incarnated as a woman too many times here on earth, so I’m extra-enjoying it in this one.
Growing up I only wanted to wear boy clothes. I refused to wear skirts and the color pink. I wanted to climb trees, roll in dirt, play hardcore sports, and couldn’t if I was wearing a skirt— it was inconvenient and inhibiting. I was into ninja turtles and gangster rap, my idols were all men. I had distinct memories of being a male in past lives and saw weakness in not being one now. It seemed to be more vulnerable, unsafe, and with the dynamics of my childhood— I needed to be able to fight for my own.
I also had an oddly strong physical frame since birth and somehow had muscles at 5. I developed bigger hands, feet, and was taller than all the boys my age, and that’s often still the case. They’d call me Bigfoot as a kid, and well it resonated so I kinda liked it.
As I went through puberty, I grew more into myself and transformed into a woman quickly. All of a sudden I had boobs and hips and looked like I was 21 at 16.
Holy hormones flushed through me and I connected to the power of my womb and the essence of femininity. The true power, of Divine Feminine Creation energy in which all life comes from; that which the masculine serves and supports.
I started to realize the purpose and the power of what it is to be a “woman” during these times, as the Divine Feminine is truly rising. It all revealed to me and I take it as an honor to be a woman now.
I integrated my masculine energy and promised that I would give it ample time to play and express through my favorite activities consistently. That I would honor the fact that I have an 11 year old boy inside me that just wants to play and explore crazy shit.
And with that, my masculine energy restructured to support the resilience of my feminine energy, from within. So that my feminine expression and embodiment could feel safe and supported, to Be.
I am still masculine in many ways— and yet do not ever feel overrun by my masculine traits. I have integrated the power to support me, so that it can help me to stay grounded, emotionally balanced, logical, strong, sovereign, take action, and when challenges arise.
The force that moves through me when it is time for my masculine energy to be activated— is unexplainable. I have witnessed it maneuver, redirect, clarify and complete situations in real time that my own human could not even conceive. And yet— same with my feminine energy, in different ways.
From a Galactic perspective, we are all meant to fluctuate through fluid experiences of masculine and feminine energy and embodiment, so that we can remember ourselves whole.
What is your relationship with both masculine and feminine energy?
*I used traditional gender terms to make it easy to understand yet the energies of both masculine & feminine are interchangeable via gender. I share this to further support that there is not one specific way for a “gender” to be. It’s what resonates with you, WE NEED YOU TO BE YOU!!
Thank you, I love you.