Light Channels and Transmissions

Sister Codes

Sister Codes

SISTER CODES of the Sacred Sisters🌹Sisters support each other’s unique sensual expression rather than competing or comparingSacred Sisterhood is choosing to do the inner work when jealously or envy arises-...

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Sister Codes

SISTER CODES of the Sacred Sisters🌹Sisters support each other’s unique sensual expression rather than competing or comparingSacred Sisterhood is choosing to do the inner work when jealously or envy arises-...

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I was required to clean out every area of my life this past phase. Many are feeling it~ All my belongings, my room, closet, car, and the depths of my...



I was required to clean out every area of my life this past phase. Many are feeling it~ All my belongings, my room, closet, car, and the depths of my...



She is~ Gentle with grace, fierce in fire flowing in essence, honoring the tire Not seeking attention or approval but self respect and renewal Flexible and strong, admitting when in...

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She is~ Gentle with grace, fierce in fire flowing in essence, honoring the tire Not seeking attention or approval but self respect and renewal Flexible and strong, admitting when in...

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Mother Eucalyptus

Mother Eucalyptus

It was a casual day of mini miracles, completing tasks and running errands. I randomly felt guided to drive past my old home, and found that the mother Eucalyptus tree...

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Mother Eucalyptus

It was a casual day of mini miracles, completing tasks and running errands. I randomly felt guided to drive past my old home, and found that the mother Eucalyptus tree...

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Functionality Formula

Functionality Formula

Choosing to NOT be upset, disappointed or hurt by a situation, allows it to work itself out. For truly nothing is ever “complete” as all variables evolve in essence in...


Functionality Formula

Choosing to NOT be upset, disappointed or hurt by a situation, allows it to work itself out. For truly nothing is ever “complete” as all variables evolve in essence in...

Chapters of Evolution

Chapters of Evolution

There are going to be chapters where you want to hermit into your own cave and create a keep-safe container around you in protection of your energetic field as you...

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Chapters of Evolution

There are going to be chapters where you want to hermit into your own cave and create a keep-safe container around you in protection of your energetic field as you...

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